Orasul La Motoare / populatie: variabila

Un blog de obicei destept de prin Franta vorbeste despre promovarea prin stickere a AdFel. Ghost, ghost, Frumos, frumos, dar mi se pare ca s-a pierdut ceva in traducere.

Ainsi, les habitants de la ville de La Motoare en Roumanie ont vu fleurir des stickers explicatifs sur les panneaux publicitaires.
Daca ma ajuta franceza invatata prin liceu 'la ville de La Motoare' inseamna 'orasul La Motoare'. Ma ajuta vreun francofon? Am inteles io gresit sau domnii sunt intr-o grava eroare? Saaau... stati putin... o terasa poate sa devina oras? Cum nu?! De ce?!

2 comentarii:

  1. I don't really understand, but I may commit a mistake about the city name ? Am I right ?
    If you know some informations, give them to me :)
    I wasn't sure of the city name, so the mistake is possible !

  2. funny anyway, the ' La Motoare '(at Engines/or at Motocycle) city and the capital is ' La Fabrica'(at Manufactory), maybe is indicated to read firstor doing some research and after you should begin writing....
